Our team
Izabela Jachim-Kubiak | President of Management Board |
Karolina Giełżecka | Member of the Management Board, Administrative and Statutory Director |
Anna Glińska | Educational School Director |
Monika Kaczmarek | HR and Payroll Specialist |
Beata Szulc | Educational Kindergarten Director |
Piotr Hulewicz | Management Assistant, PR specialist |
Medical team
dr Katarzyna Kołodziejczyk-Klimek
Medical Manager, Specialist in Medical Rehabilitation
dr Joanna Kryszczyńska
Specialist in Medical Rehabilitation, Pediatrician
dr Maria Malczewska
Specialist in Medical Rehabilitation
Team of therapists
Patrycja Bąkowska
visual stimulation therapist, oligophrenopedagogue
Dominika Błaszczyk
physiotherapist, NDT Bobath, NDT Bobath Baby therapist
Monika Błąkała
physiotherapist, NDT Bobath therapist
Michał Bujnowski
physiotherapist, NDT Bobath therapist; NDT Bobath Baby therapist
Joanna Czyżewska
speech therapist
Maciej Dalewski
physiotherapist, NDT Bobath therapist; NDT Bobath Baby therapist
Patrycja Dulin
Karolina Fajerska
physiotherapist, NDT Bobath therapist, SI therapist,
Olga Fatalska
physiotherapist, NDT Bobath therapist, NDT Bobath Baby therapist,SI therapist
Anna Głowacka
speech therapist
Krzysztof Jakubowski
physiotherapist, NDT Bobath therapist, PNF therapist
Sylwia Jobczyk-Czyżak
psychologist, speech therapist
Aleksandra Kasińska
speech therapist
Paulina Kowalska |
physiotherapist, SI therapist
Karolina Krawczyk
Paulina Krawczyk
physiotherapist, NDT Bobath therapist, SI therapist
Maciej Kubiak
Klaudia Lechańska
speech therapist
Daria Malejko
Ewelina Malinowska
speech therapist, physiotherapist, NDT Bobath, NDT Bobath Baby, SI, PNF therapist
Katarzyna Marszał | speech therapist, SI therapist |
Julia Michalak-Sowizdrzał
physiotherapist, NDT Bobath, SI, PNF therapist
Adrian Mirosz
physiotherapist, NDT Bobath therapist; NDT Bobath Baby therapist, Vojta therapist
Olga Mrówka |
physiotherapist, SI therapist
Klaudia Sima
physiotherapist, NDT Bobath therapist, NDT Bobath Baby therapist, SI therapist
Damian Sopata
physiotherapist, NDT Bobath, NDT Bobath Baby, PNF therapist
Michalina Stolarska
speech therapist
Kinga Strąkowska
speech therapist
Martyna Szafnicka
Anna Szczęsna
Jakub Śmiechowicz
physiotherapist, NDT Bobath; NDT Bobath Baby therapist
Martyna Tuminowska
Joanna Wągrowska
physiotherapist, NDT Bobath therapist
Olimpia Wiśniewska
speech therapist
Agnieszka Zadrożna
physiotherapist, SI, NDT Bobath, NDT Bobath Baby; PNF therapist
Team of educators
Elżbieta Bogdanowicz
teacher, rehabilitation educator
Angelika Bondyra
teacher, oligophrenopedagogue
Anna Borkowska
teacher's assistant
Anna Burchart
pre-school education teacher, oligophrenopedagogue
Radosław Cieplucha
teacher, special educator
Katarzyna Dąbrowska
teacher, oligophrenopedagogue
Aleksandra Dobrochowska
teacher, oligophrenopedagogue
Ewelina Florczyk-Wiśniewska
Agata Grajkowska-Kaźmierczak
teacher, special educator
Agnieszka Janicka
teacher, rehabilitation educator
Katarzyna Jankowska
teacher, special educator
Agnieszka Jędrzejczak
teacher's assistant
Łukasz Jóźwicki
teacher, music therapist, oligophrenopedagogue
Monika Kaczmarek
teacher's assistant
Hanna Karlikowska
teacher, special educator
Agnieszka Kmin-Piestrzyńska
teacher, oligophrenopedagogue
Aleksandra Kołodziejczyk
teacher, oligophrenopedagogue
Milena Kostrzewa
teacher, oligophrenopedagogue
Oksana Krasota
teacher's assistant
Agata Kuzak
day room tutor
Rafał Kuzański
teacher, oligophrenopedagogue, special educator
Justyna Ligocka
teacher's assistant
Monika Linke
teacher, catechist
Aneta Macedońska
Joanna Makarow-Borkowska
day room tutor
Małgorzata Miazek
teacher, oligophrenopedagogue
Albina Mikhailenko
Agnieszka Musiał
teacher, oligophrenopedagogue
Jerzy Nowak
teacher, oligophrenopedagogue
Adrianna Owoc
teacher's assistant
Dorota Pakulska
teacher's assistant
Aleksandra Pilich |
teacher, oligophrenopedagogue
Jolanta Skóra
teacher's assistant
Martyna Staniewska |
Barbara Stolarska |
Natalia Szpak
teacher, special educator
Marta Szubert
teacher, special educator
Sylwia Tomaszewska |
teacher, oligophrenopedagogue
Monika Walczak
teacher's assistant
Magdalena Wiktorowska
teacher's assistant
Katarzyna Wolska
teacher's assistant
Aleksandra Zawlik
teacher, oligophrenopedagogue
Nadzieja Zbaraszewska
Magdalena Zdyb
teacher, oligophrenopedagogue
Edyta Żuchowska
teacher, oligophrenopedagogue
Ewa Chruszczewska | Accountant | |
Wiktoria Jaśniewska | Marketing & Administration Specialist | |
Dorota Kierner | Specialist in organization of the education process in educational institutions | |
Mariusz Marchewa |
Administrative Coordinator
Krzysztof Pietrzak | Multimedia Service Specialist | |
Karolina Podgórska | Administration Specialist | |
Dorota Pszczoła | Administration Specialist | |
Monika Rydzewska | Marketing Specialist | |
Maciej Wenerski | Marketing Specialist | |
Dagmara Widawska | Specialist in Promoting Pro-health Attitude | |
Zofia Wiktorowska | Administration Specialist | |
Magdalena Zbrojewska | Media Relations Coordinator |
Technical staff
Valerii Chelombitko |
Roman Kaczmarek |
Paweł Mikołajczak |
Zbigniew Opaliński |
Roman Sętkowski |
Krzysztof Włoch |