Help while shopping
How can ordinary online shopping turn into something magical?
Almost everyone purchases online. It is extremely comfortable: we do not have to carry bags, we can compare prices for as long as we want, we can buy at any time of the day or night. It's just great. Nowadays, we are no longer limited by the distance to the store - we can buy all kinds of things from all over the world! Groceries, clothes, cosmetics, furniture, musical instruments, household appliances, trips, books, toys - in a word EVERYTHING. We treat online shopping as something natural. And did you know that by doing them, you can help disabled children every time?
while buying via the internet!
And it doesn't cost a penny more than regular purchases. This is possible thanks to the website, in which the Colorful World Foundation has its profile.
What is is a website that allows you to support organizations and social initiatives while shopping online. We have registered our profile there and we receive donations every time you shop online via, indicating us as the goal you want to support. There are over 800 online stores registered on that website, including many well-known brands. We believe that your favorite stores with clothes, electronic equipment, books and music will be there!

Naszą obecność w serwisie traktujemy jako dodatkowy sposób zbierania darowizn na realizowanie ważnych celów. Gorąco zachęcamy do wspierania nas przy okazji każdych zakupów online.
What will we use your donation for?
The Colorful World Foundation carries out many projects. We run a center for premature babies, a daily rehabilitation, a kindergarten, a school and early development support classes. Thanks to your contributions, we can provide our patients with further hours of specialized therapy necessary for their independence. Your donations will also allow us to purchase the equipment necessary for rehabilitation, i.e. rehabilitation paths, projectors with games, or materials for art therapy classes that stimulate children to perform specific exercises. Our children will have the opportunity to participate in interesting meetings and trips, which will have a positive impact on their cognitive development.

How to shop online at
If you want to support our Foundation by shopping online, just go to the website
click "Support", select a store and do the shopping as usual. A certain percentage of the purchase value will go to our account.
What real support does online shopping through the portal provide?
By supporting our Foundation while shopping via portal, you donate an average of PLN 83.45 per person/year. For comparison - one taxpayer transfers through 1% makes an average of PLN 45 per year. It's a really simple solution, and its use is completely free, both for us and for people who shop. The strength of the website is that small donations put together make up a large amount. Currently, over 18 million Poles buy online. You probably too. Remember to make subsequent purchases via!