KRS 0000161880

Sensory integration

Sensory Integration (SI)

Apply for sensory integration therapy classes if you observe in your child:

  • balance disorders;
  • motor awkwardness;
  • reduced level of activity (heaviness, passivity)
  • intolerance to linear or rotational movement (uncertainty when moving);
  • poor organization (clutter around one's person, one's workspace, poor sense of time and space);
  • problems with concentration;
  • learning difficulties: reading, writing, (recognizing letters, numbers, confusing letters, mirror writing, twisting syllables, words, reading words from the end), counting, logical thinking (with making calculations in memory);
  • difficulties in learning new skills;
  • problems with the sense of proprioception, i.e. deep sensation (for example, thanks to it, we are able to touch the tip of our nose with our eyes closed or hit our mouth with a spoon);
  • tactile hypersensitivity/sub-sensitivity, vestibular (gravitational uncertainty, intolerance of movement) olfactory;
  • reactions inadequate to external stimuli provided.
Sensory Integration (SI) is an indispensable therapy when a child has abnormalities in the reception and integration of sensory stimuli. Through SI therapy, we improve the quality of transmission and organization of information reaching the child through the various senses.
The goal of our therapeutic interventions will be that your child's brain correctly recognizes all the information received from the environment, interprets it, segregates it, integrates it with previously acquired experiences and responds in an appropriate manner. Only when the process of sensory integration runs smoothly will the child perceive the world as a friendly environment and be able to accurately assess the situation in which he finds himself.

For your child:

  • we will prepare appropriate sensorimotor exercises to improve sensory perception;
  • we will organize classes in an attractive way using a professionally equipped SI room with min. : hammocks, swings, balls, mats, tunnels, textured disks, various masses, percussion instruments....
  • systematic participation in classes will translate into: reduction of motor overexcitability, better communication with the environment, improvement of motor coordination and sense of balance, increased concentration time, getting used to objects and situations that previously filled with fear, gradual resolution of school failures;
  • an undoubted benefit will be the strengthening of muscle strength;
  • one's own body and the space around it will cease to be an unmanageable matter.

For registration for paid rehabilitation services and additional information on participation in the classes, please call: 517 466 200 and email:

You are welcome!

Price list of rehabilitation services - click here

Colorful World Foundation

10/12 Żabia st.
91-457 Lodz

Telephone contact:
+48 42 6406705

+48 42 6406706

Important links:

KRS 0000161880
